The best kind of high
If you came to this post looking for information on the latest designer drug or narcotic, you were sadly misled. I apologize for that. You’re here now, so take a moment to learn something new today!
This post is about the feeling that one achieves from aerobic output. Not nearly as exotic, but certainly more beneficial to you in the long run.
I often say that I have a lot in common with your everyday Labrador Retriever.
I’m loyal and hardworking, and if you feed me and scratch me behind the ears, I’ll love you forever.
Similar to a Labrador, if I don’t get my daily run or burn off some energy, I’ll tear the house up and chew on everything.
Bad Tommy!
This is something that I know about myself: Tough day at work? Go on a run. Trying to solve a problem? Go on a run. Feeling antsy? Go on a run.
The solution to my stressors usually boils down to: go on a run. Or better yet, move your body however you can based on how it’s feeling on that particular day.
At the end of a run or workout, I feel a release.
The stress is gone, my head feels clear, and my body let’s down.
The high referenced in the title of this post is the Runner’s High
According to a blog post on, a “runner’s high” refers to the feeling of pure elation, reduced stress, and a decreased ability to feel pain due to a flood of endorphins released by exercise.
Per this article, the release that I mentioned earlier is actually a release of endorphins, or is it?
According to The Truth Behind ‘Runner’s High’ and Other Mental Benefits of Running, written by Dr. David J. Linden on, though endorphins help prevent muscles from feeling pain, it is unlikely that endorphins in the blood contribute to a euphoric feeling or any mood change at all. Research shows that endorphins do not pass the blood-brain barrier.
That relaxed post-run feeling may instead be due to endocannabinoids — biochemical substances similar to cannabis but naturally produced by the body.
Exercise increases the levels of endocannabinoids in the bloodstream, Linden explains. Unlike endorphins, endocannabinoids can move easily through the cellular barrier separating the bloodstream from the brain, where these mood-improving neuromodulators promote short-term psychoactive effects such as reduced anxiety and feelings of calm.
Ah ha!
According to the revenue in the cannabis market is projected to exceed $51 BILLION in the US in 2023.
You’re telling me that I can naturally achieve a similar feeling of euphoria by simply throwing my Sauconys on and hitting the trail? Sweet! Look out, cannabis industry!
While I don’t think that Runner’s High will ever replace the expanding need for the cannabis industry, it’s nice to know that there is another way to enjoy similar benefits without the chest-wheezing joy of a bong rip (or so I’m told).
If you’re going to be sweating, don’t forget to bring a towel
Dr. Linden also goes on to explain that exercise has a dramatic antidepressive effect. It blunts the brain’s response to physical and emotional stress.
What’s more, the hippocampus — the part of the brain associated with memory and learning — has been found to increase in volume in the brains of regular exercisers.
He shares additional mental benefits, including improved working memory and focus, better task-switching ability and elevated mood.
Ever find it tough to get motivated to regularly exercise on your own?
Join a group!
According to, a small study published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association shows that exercising in a group decreases stress levels and increases quality of life more than exercising alone.
Think back to The Pandemic. I know it seems so long ago (nearly 4 years ago as of this writing). and the explosion of Peloton. describes Peloton products which consist of stationary bicycles, treadmills, and indoor rowers equipped with Internet-connected touch screens that stream live and on-demand fitness classes through a subscription service.
According to an article by Jordan Valinsky on by in September 2020, The at-home fitness company announced its first-ever quarterly profit, which was bolstered by a 172% surge in sales and more than 1 million people subscribing to its streaming classes. Peloton share prices soared over 220% in 2020.
In a time when we could all use some human interaction, stress and anxiety relief, Peloton was poised to catch lightning in a bottle.
I have some challenges for you:
Say “endocannabinoids” five times fast
Next time you have a tough day, go for a run
I hope this post was a gateway to getting you hooked on Runner’s High. Get hydrated, get flexible, and push yourself to be a better you. If you happen to have a Labrador Retriever, take him or her along for the ride. They’ll thank you for it.,euphoric%20state%20following%20intense%20exercise.,life%20more%20than%20exercising%20alone.,classes%20through%20a%20subscription%20service.